Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Stuff About Scripts

I'll resist the urge to constantly rewrite the opening line for this blog by highlighting - in a self-referential way - the difficulty of  an opening line for such a nefarious thing as a blog. The shifting nature of such a thing is familiar ground at least for those of us immersed in the script process.  The thing is not a thing itself, but a thing in a state of becoming - even the most abandoned of scripts still calls to us softly from the bottom drawer.
So this blog site is a collaboration involving post-postgrad script students and one sometimes employed academic (that would be me).  We don't know what this thing is, but we will take it where it wants to go. We might post bits of script, links to interesting script sites, films, theatre productions and the like. 
So maybe we could all say a little about what we're working on...
Me?  I have a few too many scripts in development. The only thing I've managed to finish in recent times is a radio play called Under the Forest, which you will find a grab from on my website... There is a lot to be written yet about the process of making this play.

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